Applies to:

Restoring Project during Upgrade.


Issue Summary:

Had a problem while doing an upgrade from QC11 to QC12.01.  They were using an Oracle DB, which is freshly supported for QC 12.01.  I updated the DBID.xml files and triple checked them to verify that the information is accurate.  When I try and restore the project I get an error stating; "Failed to load data from EXTENSIONS table of project.”


Steps To Fix The Problem:

I discovered there were actually 2 problems that were preventing the restoration of the projects.  1- the client had changed the standard user password on the projects I was trying to upgrade to something besides ‘tdtdtd’.  That needed to be switched back to connect with the new ALM instance.  2- the names of the DBs which I was told were not changed had had some minor changes done (a zero at the end for example). 


With both of those problems fixed the projects were able to restore perfectly well.