When Upgrading your HP QC or ALM environment to HP ALM 11.52 the orphan runs should be removed with the upgrade utility. The following queries may assist you in determining if your project has orphan run entities from test cases that have been deleted and also provide you with a way to archive the data before deletion.

Find Orphan Run Entities:

SELECT rn_test_id FROM <project_db>.run WHERE rn_test_id NOT IN (select ts_test_id from <project_db>.test)

HP ALM Orphan Run Entity: 

Sometimes in HP ALM a test plan becomes obsolete and is no longer relevant to the testing process involved with the SDLC and is deleted from the HP ALM project. At this point all of the runs that have occurred (and run entities created) while executing the test plan that has been deleted still exist and become orphan runs.

Show Orphan Runs Data: 

(If you wish to archive before deleting)

SELECTFROM <project_db>.run

WHERE rn_test_id IN (SELECT rn_test_id FROM <project_db>.run WHERE rn_test_id NOT IN (SELECT ts_test_id FROM <project_db>.test))