Use Case:
The user wants to highlight a test plan, and export the steps to Excel so they can easily be printed. This is easiest implemented by adding a custom button.
Add a button to the Test Plan module.
'(in action can execute) if ActionName = "UserDefinedActions.ExportTest" Then Call User_ExportTest End if Sub User_ExportTest Dim CountRec Dim TestPlanID TestPlanID = Test_Fields.Field("TS_TEST_ID").Value Set TDC = TDConnection Set Com = TDC.Command Com.CommandText = "SELECT TS_NAME, TS_DESCRIPTION, " & _ "DS_STEP_NAME, DS_DESCRIPTION, DS_EXPECTED " & _ "FROM TEST " & _ "INNER JOIN DESSTEPS " & _ "ON TEST.TS_TEST_ID = DESSTEPS.DS_TEST_ID WHERE TEST.TS_TEST_ID = " & TestPlanID Set recset = Com.Execute CountRec = recset.RecordCount If CountRec <1 Then Else recset.First Set objEXCEL = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objEXCEL.visible = TRUE objEXCEL.workbooks.add objEXCEL.DisplayAlerts = FALSE objEXCEL.cells(1,1).value = "Test Name" objEXCEL.cells(1,2).value = "Test Description" objEXCEL.cells(1,3).value = "Step Name" objEXCEL.cells(1,4).value = "Step Description" objEXCEL.cells(1,5).value = "Expected Result" For i=1 to CountRec objEXCEL.cells(i+1,1).value = recset(0) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,2).value = recset(1) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,3).value = recset(2) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,4).value = recset(3) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,5).value = recset(4) recset.Next Next objEXCEL.Cells.Select objEXCEL.Selection.RowHeight = 15 objEXCEL.Selection.Replace "<html>", "" objEXCEL.Selection.Replace "</html>", "" objEXCEL.Selection.Replace "<body>", "" objEXCEL.Selection.Replace "</body>", "" objEXCEL.Selection.Replace "<div align=" &chr(34)& "left" &chr(34)& "><font face=" &chr(34)& "Arial" &chr(34)& "><span style=" &chr(34)& "font-size:8pt" &chr(34)& ">", "" objEXCEL.Selection.Replace "</span></font></div>", "" objEXCEL.Columns("A:C").Select objEXCEL.Selection.Replace chr(10), "" 'objEXCEL.Rows("1:1").Select 'With objEXCEL.cells("1:1").Interior.ColorIndex = 0 '.Pattern = xlSolid '.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic '.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorLight1 '.TintAndShade = 0 '.PatternTintAndShade = 0 'End With 'With objEXCEL.Selection.Font '.ThemeColor = xlThemeColorDark1 '.TintAndShade = 0 'End With 'With ActiveWindow '.SplitColumn = 0 '.SplitRow = 1 'End With 'objEXCEl.ActiveWindow.FreezePanes = True objEXCEL.Cells(1,1).Select End if End Sub
This code might work depending on what type of environment is set up. We find the regex function is best for removing HTML:
Function RemoveHTML( strText ) Dim RegEx Set RegEx = New RegExp strText = Replace(strText, "<html>" & vbCrLf & "<body>" & vbCrLf, "") strText = Replace(strText, vbCrLf & "</body>" & vbCrLf & "</html>", "") RegEx.Pattern = "<[^>]*>" RegEx.Global = True RemoveHTML = RegEx.Replace(strText, "") End Function Sub Template_ExportTestPlan() On Error GoTo 0 Dim CountRec Dim TestPlanID Dim TDC, Com, recset, objEXCEL, i TestPlanID = Test_Fields.Field("TS_TEST_ID").Value Set TDC = TDConnection Set Com = TDC.Command Com.CommandText = "SELECT TS_NAME, TS_DESCRIPTION, " & _ "DS_STEP_NAME, DS_DESCRIPTION, DS_EXPECTED " & _ "FROM TEST " & _ "INNER JOIN DESSTEPS " & _ "ON TEST.TS_TEST_ID = DESSTEPS.DS_TEST_ID WHERE TEST.TS_TEST_ID = " & TestPlanID Set recset = Com.Execute CountRec = recset.RecordCount If CountRec <1 Then Msgbox "General Error:", 16, "No Records were retrieved. Please contact your administrator. Error #1002" Else recset.First Set objEXCEL = CreateObject("Excel.Application") objEXCEL.visible = TRUE objEXCEL.workbooks.add objEXCEL.DisplayAlerts = FALSE objEXCEL.cells(1,1).value = "Test Name" objEXCEL.cells(1,2).value = "Test Description" objEXCEL.cells(1,3).value = "Step Name" objEXCEL.cells(1,4).value = "Step Description" objEXCEL.cells(1,5).value = "Expected Result" For i=1 to CountRec objEXCEL.cells(i+1,1).value = RemoveHTML(recset(0)) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,2).value = RemoveHTML(recset(1)) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,3).value = RemoveHTML(recset(2)) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,4).value = RemoveHTML(recset(3)) objEXCEL.cells(i+1,5).value = RemoveHTML(recset(4)) recset.Next Next objEXCEL.Cells(1,1).Select End if End Sub